We are a “for now” school, not a “forever” school because we prevent or close learning and social gaps! Our average enrollment is 3 years. We often have increased openings in the higher grades. We use a developmental approach and use homogeneous learning groups. Learners graduate when performing at or above grade level so they transition to a larger, traditional educational program successfully. We accomplish this by using a specialized technology of teaching and science of learning, the features of which are as follows:

  • Precision Teaching (the only school in AZ)

  • The Science of Reading

  • Instructional Design

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) training

  • Trauma-informed

  • Social behavior and cognition

  • Play-based and FUN!

Come for a tour and hear the learners cheer for each other!

Our founder and Director, Kristina Blackledge, MS, MFT is a certified Special Education Teacher, Precision Teacher, Reading Specialist, Behavior Specialist, a former Play & Family Therapist trained in Infant and Child Trauma, and a former Parent Advocate in the valley of the sun for a decade before opening Breakthrough Academy in 2013. She will be happy to give you a private tour and education consultation.

Maximum enrollment is 40 learners total. Our spaces fill quickly! Being so small, we depend on word of mouth so please share about us!



located at: 3427 East Bell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032

Transportation is available!

Transportation is available!

Breakthrough Academy specializes in the application of highly specialized theory, principles, and technology based on:

The “Science of Instruction”

There are three important components of the science of instruction including:

  1. Instructional Design using Mathetics

  2. Component-Composite Analyses

  3. Frequency-building of skills to mastery

Is your child learning?


Is your child learning? ~~~~

There is an important difference between performance and learning. Performance is what one can do at a specific point in time. Learning is how quickly one is changing his or her performance across time.

At Breakthrough Academy we measure learning and we use our rigorous academic expectations to increase each child’s rate of learning on a personalized level, thus allowing learning gaps to close.

Our motto is "grow as you know”!

In addition to our specialization in Precision Teaching, we are trained in and implement the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) also known as “the “science of learning.” This science uses educational practices that have been established as effective for all types of learners. It also uses the understanding of human behavior to help our learners not only make progress, but FAST progress.

The simultaneous delivery of effective instruction and coaching in the development of self-regulation and social competence by our specialized staff makes all the difference when it comes to teaching children. Yes, our results are incredible! But, they are achievable and it should be happening in all schools with all learners throughout the world. ______________________________________________________________________________

Learn more about these science-informed practices on our Resources page.

Breakthrough Academy is the only school in Arizona

to utilize the technology of teaching.

Art Class

Our Mission:
Facilitate learning for individual success


Our Vision:
To be an exemplar for effective, science-based learning


One Goal:


My daughter has had nothing but positive growth at AZ Breakthrough. The staff is amazing and care for her as if she were their own. Her academic skills have taken off in such a short period of time and her behaviors are turning around. The owner, Kristina, is very responsive and understands exactly what my daughter needs in order to be successful (along with the rest of the incredible staff). We are very happy with our decision to send our daughter here. Thank you, AZ Breakthrough Academy!
— Former Parent
I highly recommend this school to anyone who has a child with special needs. The teachers and staff have helped my daughter so much. She used to hate school now she can’t wait to go and learn everyday. Thank you Breakthrough for all you do for (our child).
— Parent
We are very happy with the support and growth we’ve seen for our son since he became a BTA Bobcat, definitely seeing breakthroughs each school year! The caring staff and administration have made all the difference for him!!
— Parent